Cà Romanino. A Dialogue among Architecture, Philosophy and Landscape


  • Virginia De Jorge-Huertas University Iuav of Venice http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8698-245X




Ca’ Romanino, Tentative architecture, Giancarlo De Carlo, Landscape, Urbino


This research approaches an interpretation of Ca' Romanino. Understood as a dialectic and a priori “spur-of-the-moment” opera, Ca' Romanino is developed among landscape, architecture and philosophy. It was built in 1968 in Urbino by Giancarlo De Carlo for his friend, the philosopher Livio Sichirollo. It is an architecture that allows communication through the articulation and form of physical space. It is a “round table” based on dialectics where architecture is projected. This timeless project is a dialogue among those who dwell in it, encouraging reflection and reciprocity, and those who visit it, understanding it and interiorizing it only if one lives it.


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How to Cite

De Jorge-Huertas, V. (2020). Cà Romanino. A Dialogue among Architecture, Philosophy and Landscape. Histories of Postwar Architecture, 2(5), 89–103. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2611-0075/9831