Myths, Machines, and Words


  • Alessandro Canevari University of Genoa. Architecture and Design Department
  • Francesco Bacci University of Genoa. Architecture and Design Department
  • Gianluca Porcile University of Genoa. Architecture and Design Department



Language, Natural history, Society, Books, Movies


On the threshold of the deep epistemological cut of the post-modern era, the traditional architectural bulwarks that collapsed under the pressure of the avant-garde season open their gates to innovation both in technology and, above all, the theoretical needs in the discipline for managing the rich complexity of new horizons in science and society. Thus, to fill the gap inherited from the pioneers, in 1968, architecture, for centuries based on eminently constructive facts, had to deal with what was previously ascribed to other disciplines, marking a turning point. History, social claims, music, new natural and philosophical awareness, and, above all, language became the essential parts of the new debate.


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How to Cite

Canevari, A., Bacci, F., & Porcile, G. (2018). Myths, Machines, and Words. Histories of Postwar Architecture, 1(2).


