Notes on the “Terceira Via” in Portugal and Sweden. A Comparison between Fernando Távora and Sven Backström & Leif Reinius
Fernando Távora, Backström & Reinius, Arquitectura Popular, Terceira Via, HousingAbstract
The essay seeks to highlight similarities and analogies between the architectural work of Fernando Távora and that of Sven Backström and Leif Reinius, with the aim of expanding the already rich but still not exhaustive panorama of international comparisons that links some of the most important names in architecture of the second half of the 20th century. These are, as in this case, unconscious "encounters" that did not really happen but which today, with the right historical distance, can be virtually analysed on the basis of what was theorised and realised. The typological theme of housing, so urgent at the end of the Second World War not only among the belligerent countries, is also at the centre of attention in two countries that were neutral and not directly touched by the conflict, such as Portugal and Sweden. It is no coincidence that this typological theme is the focus of attention in the early part of Fernando Távora's design career, and no less so in that of the two Swedish architects Sven Backström and Leif Reinius.
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