Ideological Perspectives on Spanish Architecture in International Journals (1950-1986)
Spain, Image, Ideology, Architecture, JournalsAbstract
At the end of the 1930s’, Spain suffered a civil war. Its consequence is the establishment of a new political order: General Franco’s dictatorship, that would kept its power for almost forty years.
Along this period, the image of the country for the foreigners was complex and changing. From the initial mistrust from international powers, the image of Spain went through a larger acceptance following its entry in the United Nations and its re-adjustment as occasional ally of Western countries against communism. However, the main feature of the government—the lack of public rights—marked the foreign view of Spain along these years.
In parallel, this image of the country had repercussion for the way architecture—a phenomenon relatively alien to the political realm— has been analysed and comprehended. This influence can be noticed on the way international journals approached the work of Spanish architects. On their pages we can find a view conditioned, in varying degrees, by ideology.
It is not until the death of the dictator, in 1975, and the coming of democracy, that a change in the architectural and political panorama took place. The production of Spanish architects got rid of ideological connotations, that along Franco’s period had diverse manifestations—from the linkage with the regime to its consideration as a means of combating it.
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